Tuition Paid in Advance:
All students will be charged on the 1st of each month for the upcoming month. All tuition is due by the 5th of each month.
Family Discount:
When more than one child from the same family is enrolled, a 10% reduction in tuition is given for the 2nd child enrolled, 20% for the 3rd child and 30% for the 4th child.
Full Payment of Yearly Tuition:
You will receive 5% discount if the tuition is paid in full at the start of the school year.
Late Payment Penalties:
A late fee of $25 will be charged if not paid within 5 days of the due date. Students may not attend UCiC if tuition is not paid before the 10 days after the due date. Unpaid balances will also be charged a fee of 1.5% per month on last day of each month. A handling fee of $25 will be charged for any returned checks. Should action be required to enforce payment of any past due account, parents/guardian agree to pay all costs including, but not limited to, court costs, attorney fees and collection agency charges.
After Hours Fee:
Preschool, Pre-Kindergarten and Elementary:
A late fee of $5.00 will be charged for every 1 minute that your child is kept after departure time for 3 hour classes or for elementary classes without prior notice from the child’s family/guardian.
A late fee of $5.00 will be charge for every 1 minute that your child is here after closing for childcare.
Field Trip Fees:
Field trip fees will be charged when necessary.
Vacations and Illness:
No refund or credit is given for days absent due to inclement weather or illness.
No vacation credit is given to our Early Learning programs or elementary classes for days missed due to vacation.
If you have questions or concerns regarding your tuition, please contact us by email at