Toddler program | Learning from the art of play
Our Toddler classes are more than just childcare, the children in our care have many opportunities during the day to grow and learn all while doing what they do best...PLAY! Our classrooms are set up to provide your children with the best equipment and staff to help your child explore and discover new things.
The teachers at UCiC love children and enjoy spending time with them. They spend many hours planning fun, educational activities for your children.
Small & Large Motor Skills
Jumps in place, two feet together
Walks on tiptoe
Throws large ball and kicks it forward
Stands on one foot momentarily
Strings large beads, builds with Lego’s, etc.
Snips with scissors
Holds crayon with thumb and fingers, not fist
Rolls, pounds, squeezes and pulls clay
Social and emotional
Plays with other children & participates in simple group activities & songs
Begins to play house, act out stories and pretend to take trips(train rides, to the store, etc.)
Increasing sense of independence
Gaining group skills such as sharing and taking turns
Talks about basic concepts such as "God made everything" And "Jesus loves me"
Realizes we can talk to God and repeats simple prayers
Can identify objects when told their use
Asks "what" and "where" questions
Can talk briefly about what he or she is doing
Makes negative statements such as "Can't open it"
300-400 word vocabulary
Uses spoon, spilling little
Gets drink from fountain or faucet independently
Opens door by turning handle
Washes and dries hands
Follows simple two part directions such as "Get your coat and line up."
Knows concepts of one, two, many, and more
Understands prepositions such as to, with, on, under, over, by
Completes simple puzzles
Nestles cups sequentially and stacks rings on peg in size order
Begins to understand whole-part concepts