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A Glance at UCiC’s Pre-Kindergarten Program

Children in the Pre-Kindergarten program will be given opportunities to learn the following. Since children learn in different ways, and at their own pace not all children will master all areas:


Bible & Music

  • Learn basic Bible stories & familiar and new songs.

  • Understand the month's character quality and how to apply it.

  • Memorize 1 or 2 verses each month.

  • Begin to talk to God in their own words.

  • Know Jesus loves us and desires our love and obedience.



  • Learn to rote count to 100.

  • Learn concepts of numbers to 20.

  • Count 30 objects accurately.

  • Recognize the numerals 0-30.

  • Sort, compare, order, pattern, and graph objects.



  • Learn the names of all letters.

  • Learn 1 sound for each letter. (Many will learn both short and long vowel sounds.)

  • Blend a consonant and a vowel-m a (as map starts).

  • Blend short phonetic words and sentences. (A few may begin to sound out "Jack and Jill went up the hill.")



  • Learn to use pencils and crayons effectively.

  • Learn to properly print first name.

  • Print capital and small letters-in the air, on a path, with a model, then (hopefully) alone.

  • Begin forming numerals 0-20.


Science, Health & Social Studies

  • Learn simple concepts for units studied such as insects, magnets, fire safety, food groups, plants, seasons, weather, and personal safety & 9-1-1.

  • Enjoy collections, experiments and making discoveries.

  • Begin to learn about other people, places and times.

  • Become aware of current events-primarily thru children's newspapers.

Show & Tell

  • Learn to talk clearly (& loud enough) in front of a group.

  • Develop care of own property, respect for others' things.

Motor Skills

  • Improve large muscle skills, hand/eye coordination, strength and balance.

  • Develop listening and cooperation.



  • Enjoy a variety of art experiences

  • Extend coloring, cutting, pasting and painting skills


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