A Glance at UCiC’s Pre-Kindergarten Program
Children in the Pre-Kindergarten program will be given opportunities to learn the following. Since children learn in different ways, and at their own pace not all children will master all areas:
Bible & Music
Learn basic Bible stories & familiar and new songs.
Understand the month's character quality and how to apply it.
Memorize 1 or 2 verses each month.
Begin to talk to God in their own words.
Know Jesus loves us and desires our love and obedience.
Learn to rote count to 100.
Learn concepts of numbers to 20.
Count 30 objects accurately.
Recognize the numerals 0-30.
Sort, compare, order, pattern, and graph objects.
Learn the names of all letters.
Learn 1 sound for each letter. (Many will learn both short and long vowel sounds.)
Blend a consonant and a vowel-m a (as map starts).
Blend short phonetic words and sentences. (A few may begin to sound out "Jack and Jill went up the hill.")
Learn to use pencils and crayons effectively.
Learn to properly print first name.
Print capital and small letters-in the air, on a path, with a model, then (hopefully) alone.
Begin forming numerals 0-20.
Science, Health & Social Studies
Learn simple concepts for units studied such as insects, magnets, fire safety, food groups, plants, seasons, weather, and personal safety & 9-1-1.
Enjoy collections, experiments and making discoveries.
Begin to learn about other people, places and times.
Become aware of current events-primarily thru children's newspapers.
Show & Tell
Learn to talk clearly (& loud enough) in front of a group.
Develop care of own property, respect for others' things.
Motor Skills
Improve large muscle skills, hand/eye coordination, strength and balance.
Develop listening and cooperation.
Enjoy a variety of art experiences
Extend coloring, cutting, pasting and painting skills